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【独家】ASP.NET Core+Element+SQL Server开发校园图书管理系统(四)
随着技术的进步,跨平台开发已经成为了标配,在此大背景下,ASP.NET Core也应运而生。本文主要基于ASP.NET Core+Element+Sql Server开发一个校园图书管理系统为例,简述基于MVC三层架构开发的常见知识点,前三篇篇文章简单介绍了如何搭建开发框架,登录功能,主页面功能,以及书室管理,书架管理功能的实现,本篇文章继续讲解书籍管理以及借还功能相关功能的开发,仅供学习分享使用,如有不足之处,还请指正。
- MVC 是一种使用 MVC(Model View Controller 模型-视图-控制器)设计创建 Web 应用程序的模式,其中Controller(控制器)处理输入(写入数据库记录)。控制器Controller,是应用程序中处理用户交互的部分,通常控制器负责从视图读取数据,控制用户输入,并向模型发送数据。
- Element组件库,一套为开发者、设计师和产品经理准备的基于 Vue 2.0 的桌面端组件库。可以大大提高开发效率,减少工作量。在主页面中,主要用到如下几种:
- 表单控件el-form,由输入框、选择器、单选框、多选框等控件组成,用以收集、校验、提交数据到后台。
- 列表控件el-table,用于展示多条结构类似的数据,可对数据进行排序、筛选、对比或其他自定义操作。主要用户显示结构化列表的数据。
- 分页控件el-pagination,当数据量过多时,使用分页分解数据。
- 弹出窗口el-dialog,在保留当前页面状态的情况下,告知用户并承载相关操作。主要用于弹出新建或编辑窗口。
- axios组件,是一个基于promise 的网络请求库,axios本质上也是对原生XHR的封装,只不过它是Promise的实现版本,符合最新的ES规范。在本示例中,所有的前后端交互,均是通过axios库。
- 图书管理,主要包括书籍的检索,新增,修改,删除等基本功能,另外书籍的存放位置和书架ID相关,书架又与书室相关,所有相对比较复杂。
- 借还管理,主要根据用于输入或扫描的ISBN号,进行借阅以及归还,主要记录借阅人,借阅时间,借阅经手人,归还时间,归还经手人等信息。
1. Book表结构
2. Book表实体类
1 namespace CLMS.Entity 2 { 3 ///4 /// 图书实体 5 /// 6 public class BookEntity 7 { 8 ///9 /// 唯一标识10 /// 11 public int Id { get; set; }12 13 ///14 /// 图书编号15 /// 16 public string ISBN { get; set; }17 18 ///19 /// 图书名称20 /// 21 public string Name { get; set; }22 23 ///24 /// 图书作者25 /// 26 public string Author { get; set; }27 28 ///29 /// 图书出版社30 /// 31 public string Publisher { get; set; }32 33 ///34 /// 出版时间35 /// 36 public DateTime PublishDate { get; set; }37 38 ///39 /// 图书类型40 /// 41 public string BookType { get; set; }42 43 ///44 /// 描述45 /// 46 public string Description { get; set; }47 48 ///49 /// 书架ID50 /// 51 public long BookRackId { get; set; }52 53 ///54 /// 创建时间55 /// 56 public DateTime CreateTime { get; set; }57 58 ///59 /// 当前登录的账号的ID60 /// 61 public int CreateUser { get; set; }62 63 ///64 /// 最后编辑时间65 /// 66 public DateTime? LastEditTime { get; set; }67 68 ///69 /// 最后修改人70 /// 71 public int LastEditUser { get; set; }72 }73 }
3. 图书管理页面布局
12 34 7图书管理 5图书管理 68 21 229 1110 12 1413 15 17查询 1618 20新增 1923 5424 25 4126 39 4027 {{ props.row.LibraryName }} 28 2930 {{ props.row.LibrarySubName }} 31 3233 {{ props.row.Row }} 34 3536 {{ props.row.Column }} 37 3842 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 53编辑 50删除 51 5255 56 108 109 11057 89 9358 6059 61 6362 64 6665 67 6968 70 7271 73 8174 8075 76 77 78 79 82 8483 85 88{{addOrEditForm.Location}} 8687 94 10795 10196 97 98 99 100 102 106
4. 图书管理数据交互
1 <script> 2 var app= new Vue({ 3 el: "#app", 4 data:function() { 5 return { 6 queryCondition:{ 7 Name:"", 8 Publisher:"" 9 }, 10 formLabelWidth: "120px", 11 addOrEditForm:{ 12 Id:0, 13 ISBN: "", 14 Name: "", 15 Author: "", 16 Publisher: "", 17 PublishDate: "", 18 BookType: "", 19 Description: "", 20 BookRackId:"", 21 Location:"" 22 }, 23 total:0, 24 pageSize:10, 25 currentPage:1, 26 dialogFormVisible: false, 27 dialogLocationVisible:false, 28 tableData: [], 29 queryLocationCondition:{ 30 Name:"", 31 Publisher:"" 32 }, 33 locationData:[], 34 locationTotal:0, 35 locationPageSize:5, 36 locationCurrentPage:1, 37 locationCurrentRow: null, 38 } 39 }, 40 mounted:function(){ 41 this.query(1); 42 }, 43 methods: { 44 handleOpen(key, keyPath) { 45 console.log(key, keyPath); 46 }, 47 handleClose(key, keyPath) { 48 console.log(key, keyPath); 49 }, 50 formatter(row, column) { 51 return row.address; 52 }, 53 handleQuery(){ 54 this.query(1); 55 }, 56 handlePageChanged(val){ 57 this.query(val); 58 }, 59 handlePrevClick(){ 60 //query(this.currentPage); 61 }, 62 handleNextClick(){ 63 //query(this.currentPage); 64 }, 65 handleLocationPageChanged(val){ 66 this.queryLocation(val); 67 }, 68 handleLocationPrevClick(){ 69 //query(this.currentPage); 70 }, 71 handleLocationNextClick(){ 72 //query(this.currentPage); 73 }, 74 handleAdd(){ 75 this.addOrEditForm.Id=0; 76 this.addOrEditForm.ISBN= ""; 77 this.addOrEditForm.Name= ""; 78 this.addOrEditForm.Author= ""; 79 this.addOrEditForm.Publisher= ""; 80 this.addOrEditForm.PublishDate= ""; 81 this.addOrEditForm.BookType= ""; 82 this.addOrEditForm.Description= ""; 83 this.addOrEditForm.BookRackId=""; 84 this.addOrEditForm.Location=""; 85 this.dialogFormVisible=true; 86 console.log("add"); 87 }, 88 handleEdit(index,row){ 89 console.log("当前index="+index); 90 console.log(row); 91 this.addOrEditForm.Id=row.Id; 92 this.addOrEditForm.ISBN=row.ISBN; 93 this.addOrEditForm.Name=row.Name; 94 this.addOrEditForm.Author=row.Author; 95 this.addOrEditForm.Publisher=row.Publisher; 96 this.addOrEditForm.PublishDate=row.PublishDate; 97 this.addOrEditForm.BookType=row.BookType; 98 this.addOrEditForm.Description=row.Description; 99 this.addOrEditForm.BookRackId=row.BookRackId;100 this.addOrEditForm.Location=row.LibraryName+"-"+row.LibrarySubName+"-"+row.Row+"排"+row.Column+"列";;101 this.dialogFormVisible=true;102 },103 handleDelete(index,row){104 console.log("当前index="+index);105 console.log(row);106 this.$confirm("确定要删除编号为"+row.Id+"的书籍吗?", "提示", {107 confirmButtonText: "确定",108 cancelButtonText: "取消",109 type: "warning"110 }).then(() => {111 var that=this;112 axios.post("/Book/Delete", {113 Id:row.Id114 }).then(function (response) {115 if(response.status==200){116 var msg = response.data;117 console.log(msg);118 if(msg.code=="0"){119 //刷新页面120 that.$message({121 type: "success",122 message: "删除成功!"123 });124 that.query(1);125 }else{126 that.$message.error(msg.message);127 }128 }129 console.log(response);130 }).catch(function (error) {131 that.$message.error(error);132 });133 console.log("delete");134 }).catch(() => {135 this.$message({136 type: "info",137 message: "已取消删除"138 }); 139 });140 },141 query(pageNum){142 var that = this;143 this.tableData=[];144 console.log("query");145 axios.get("/Book/Query", {params:{146 Name:this.queryCondition.Name,147 Publisher:this.queryCondition.Publisher,148 PageSize:this.pageSize,149 PageNum:pageNum150 }}).then(function (response) {151 if(response.status==200){152 var data = response.data;153 var count=data.count;154 that.total = count;155 for (let i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++) {156 that.tableData.push({157 Id:data.items[i].id,158 ISBN: data.items[i].isbn,159 Name: data.items[i].name,160 Author: data.items[i].author,161 Publisher: data.items[i].publisher,162 PublishDate: data.items[i].publishDate,163 Description:data.items[i].description,164 BookType: data.items[i].bookType,165 CreateTime: data.items[i].createTime,166 LibraryName:data.items[i].libraryName,167 LibrarySubName:data.items[i].librarySubName,168 Row:data.items[i].row,169 Column:data.items[i].column,170 });171 }172 }173 console.log(response);174 }).catch(function (error) {175 console.log(error);176 });177 },178 handleLocation(){179 this.queryLocation(1);180 this.dialogLocationVisible=true;181 },182 handleLocationCurrentChange(row){183 this.locationCurrentRow=row;184 },185 queryLocation(pageNum){186 this.locationData=[];187 var that=this;188 console.log("location query");189 axios.get("/BookRack/Query",{params: {190 Name:this.queryLocationCondition.Name,191 SubName:this.queryLocationCondition.SubName,192 PageSize:this.locationPageSize,193 PageNum:pageNum194 }}).then(function (response) {195 if(response.status==200){196 var data = response.data;197 var count=data.count;198 that.locationTotal = count;199 for (let i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++) {200 that.locationData.push({201 Id: data.items[i].id,202 libraryId:data.items[i].libraryId,203 Name: data.items[i].name,204 SubName: data.items[i].subName,205 Row : data.items[i].row,206 Column : data.items[i].column,207 Location : data.items[i].location,208 Description:data.items[i].description,209 CreateTime: data.items[i].createTime,210 });211 }212 }213 console.log(that.locationData);214 console.log(response);215 }).catch(function (error) {216 console.log(error);217 });218 },219 handleLocationSave(){220 console.log(this.locationCurrentRow);221 if(this.locationCurrentRow!=null){222 this.addOrEditForm.BookRackId=this.locationCurrentRow.Id;223 this.addOrEditForm.Location=this.locationCurrentRow.Name+"-"+this.locationCurrentRow.SubName+"-"+this.locationCurrentRow.Row+"排"+this.locationCurrentRow.Column+"列";224 }225 this.dialogLocationVisible=false;226 },227 handleSave(){228 var that=this;229 axios.post("/Book/Add", {230 Id:this.addOrEditForm.Id,231 ISBN: this.addOrEditForm.ISBN,232 Name: this.addOrEditForm.Name,233 Author: this.addOrEditForm.Author,234 Publisher: this.addOrEditForm.Publisher,235 PublishDate: this.addOrEditForm.PublishDate,236 BookType: this.addOrEditForm.BookType,237 Description: this.addOrEditForm.Description,238 BookRackId:this.addOrEditForm.BookRackId,239 }).then(function (response) {240 if(response.status==200){241 var msg = response.data;242 console.log(msg);243 if(msg.code=="0"){244 that.dialogFormVisible=false;245 //刷新页面246 that.query(1);247 }else{248 window.alert(msg.message);249 }250 console.log(that.dialogFormVisible);251 }252 console.log(response);253 }).catch(function (error) {254 console.log(error);255 });256 console.log("save");257 },258 }259 });260 </script>
5. 图书控制器逻辑BookController
1 namespace CLMS.Host.Controllers 2 { 3 public class BookController : Controller 4 { 5 private DataContext dataContext; 6 7 public BookController(DataContext context) { 8 dataContext = context; 9 } 10 11 public IActionResult Index() 12 { 13 return View(); 14 } 15 16 ///17 /// 获取符合条件的查询 18 /// 19 /// 20 /// 21 /// 22 /// 23 ///24 [HttpGet] 25 public PagedRequest Query(string Name, string Publisher, int pageNum, int pageSize) 26 { 27 Name = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name) ? string.Empty : Name; 28 Publisher = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Publisher) ? string.Empty : Publisher; 29 var bookEntities = dataContext.Books.Where(r => r.Name.Contains(Name) && r.Publisher.Contains(Publisher)); 30 var total = bookEntities.Count(); 31 var bookDtos = bookEntities.Skip((pageNum - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).Select(r => new Book() { Id = r.Id, ISBN = r.ISBN, Name = r.Name, Author = r.Author, Publisher = r.Publisher, BookType = r.BookType,BookRackId=r.BookRackId,PublishDate=r.PublishDate, CreateTime = r.CreateTime,Description=r.Description }).ToList(); 32 33 //位置 34 var bookRackIds = bookDtos.Select(r => r.BookRackId).ToList(); 35 var locations = dataContext.BookRacks.Where(r => bookRackIds.Contains(r.Id)).Join(dataContext.Librarys, b => b.LibraryId, l => l.Id, (b, l) => new BookRack() { Name = l.Name, SubName = l.SubName, Location = l.Location, LibraryId = b.LibraryId, Id = b.Id, Row = b.Row, Column = b.Column, Description = b.Description, CreateTime = b.CreateTime }).ToList(); 36 37 bookDtos.ForEach(r => { 38 var location = locations.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Id == r.BookRackId); 39 if (location != null) { 40 r.LibraryName = location.Name; 41 r.LibrarySubName=location.SubName; 42 r.Row=location.Row; 43 r.Column=location.Column; 44 } 45 }); 46 // 47 return new PagedRequest () 48 { 49 count = total, 50 items = bookDtos, 51 }; 52 } 53 54 [Consumes("application/json")] 55 [HttpPost] 56 public Msg Add([FromBody] Book book) 57 { 58 Msg msg = new Msg(); 59 if (book == null) 60 { 61 msg.code = 1; 62 msg.message = "对象为空"; 63 return msg; 64 } 65 else 66 { 67 var userId = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("UserId"); 68 69 if (book.Id > 0) 70 { 71 //更新 72 var entity = dataContext.Books.Where(r => r.Id == book.Id).FirstOrDefault(); 73 if (entity != null) 74 { 75 entity.BookRackId = book.BookRackId; 76 entity.Author = book.Author; 77 entity.Publisher = book.Publisher; 78 entity.Description = book.Description; 79 entity.BookType = book.BookType; 80 entity.ISBN = book.ISBN; 81 entity.Name = book.Name; 82 entity.LastEditUser = userId.GetValueOrDefault(); 83 entity.LastEditTime = DateTime.Now; 84 dataContext.Books.Update(entity); 85 dataContext.SaveChanges(); 86 } 87 else 88 { 89 msg.code = 1; 90 msg.message = "修改失败"; 91 return msg; 92 } 93 } 94 else 95 { 96 //新增 97 var entity = new BookEntity() 98 { 99 BookRackId = book.BookRackId,100 Author = book.Author,101 Publisher = book.Publisher,102 PublishDate = book.PublishDate,103 Description = book.Description,104 BookType = book.BookType,105 ISBN = book.ISBN,106 Name = book.Name,107 CreateTime = DateTime.Now,108 CreateUser = userId.GetValueOrDefault(),109 LastEditTime = DateTime.Now,110 LastEditUser = userId.GetValueOrDefault(),111 };112 dataContext.Books.Add(entity);113 dataContext.SaveChanges();114 }115 msg.code = 0;116 msg.message = "success";117 return msg;118 }119 }120 121 [Consumes("application/json")]122 [HttpPost]123 public Msg Delete([FromBody] Book book) {124 Msg msg = new Msg();125 if (book == null)126 {127 msg.code = 1;128 msg.message = "对象为空";129 return msg;130 }131 else132 {133 if (book.Id > 0)134 {135 var entity = dataContext.Books.Where(r => r.Id == book.Id).FirstOrDefault();136 if (entity != null)137 {138 dataContext.Books.Remove(entity);139 dataContext.SaveChanges();140 msg.code = 0;141 msg.message = "success";142 }143 else { 144 msg.code = 1;145 msg.message = "对象不存在或已被删除";146 }147 }148 else {149 150 msg.code = 1;151 msg.message = "对象Id小于0";152 }153 return msg;154 }155 }156 }157 }
6. 图书管理功能测试
1. 图书借还数据表结构
2. 图书借还实体类
1 namespace CLMS.Entity 2 { 3 ///4 /// 借还记录 5 /// 6 public class CirculateEntity 7 { 8 ///9 /// 唯一标识10 /// 11 public int Id { get; set; }12 13 ///14 /// 图书标识15 /// 16 public int BookId { get; set; }17 18 ///19 /// 是否归还20 /// 21 public bool IsReturn { get; set; }22 23 ///24 /// 借阅人25 /// 26 public string BorrowUser { get; set; }27 28 ///29 /// 借阅时间30 /// 31 public DateTime BorrowTime { get; set; }32 33 ///34 /// 借阅确认人35 /// 36 public string BorrowConfirmor { get; set; }37 38 ///39 /// 归还时间40 /// 41 public DateTime? ReturnTime { get; set; }42 43 ///44 /// 归还确认人45 /// 46 public string? ReturnConfirmor { get; set; }47 }48 }
3. 图书借还页面布局
12 34 7图书管理 5图书借阅及归还 68 219 1110 12 14查询 1315 17借阅 1618 20归还 1922 3123 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 4934 44 4835 3736 38 4039 41 4342 50 63 6451 58 6252 5453 55 5756
4. 图书借还数据交互
1 <script> 2 var app= new Vue({ 3 el: "#app", 4 data:function() { 5 return { 6 queryCondition:{ 7 Name:"" 8 }, 9 formLabelWidth: "120px", 10 addOrEditForm:{ 11 Id:0, 12 ISBN: "", 13 Name: "", 14 BorrowConfirmor: "", 15 BorrowTime: "", 16 BorrowUser: "", 17 IsReturn:"", 18 ReturnConfirmor: "", 19 ReturnTime: "", 20 }, 21 borrowForm:{ 22 Id:0, 23 ISBN: "", 24 Name: "", 25 BorrowUser:"" 26 }, 27 returnForm:{ 28 Id:0, 29 ISBN: "", 30 Name: "", 31 }, 32 total:0, 33 pageSize:10, 34 currentPage:1, 35 tableData: [], 36 dialogFormBorrowVisible: false, 37 dialogFormReturnVisible: false, 38 } 39 }, 40 mounted:function(){ 41 this.query(1); 42 }, 43 methods: { 44 handleOpen(key, keyPath) { 45 console.log(key, keyPath); 46 }, 47 handleClose(key, keyPath) { 48 console.log(key, keyPath); 49 }, 50 formatter(row, column) { 51 return row.address; 52 }, 53 handleQuery(){ 54 console.log("query"); 55 this.query(1); 56 }, 57 handlePageChanged(val){ 58 this.query(val); 59 }, 60 handlePrevClick(){ 61 //query(this.currentPage); 62 }, 63 handleNextClick(){ 64 //query(this.currentPage); 65 }, 66 handleBorrow(){ 67 this.dialogFormBorrowVisible=true; 68 }, 69 handleReturn(){ 70 this.dialogFormReturnVisible=true; 71 }, 72 handleSaveBorrow(){ 73 this.$confirm("确定要借阅编号为"+this.borrowForm.ISBN+"的书籍吗?", "提示", { 74 confirmButtonText: "确定", 75 cancelButtonText: "取消", 76 type: "warning" 77 }).then(() => { 78 var that=this; 79 axios.post("/Circulate/Borrow", { 80 Id:that.borrowForm.Id, 81 ISBN:that.borrowForm.ISBN, 82 Name:that.borrowForm.Name, 83 BorrowUser:that.borrowForm.BorrowUser, 84 }).then(function (response) { 85 if(response.status==200){ 86 var msg = response.data; 87 console.log(msg); 88 if(msg.code=="0"){ 89 //刷新页面 90 that.dialogFormBorrowVisible=false; 91 that.$message({ 92 type: "success", 93 message: "借阅成功!" 94 }); 95 that.query(1); 96 }else{ 97 that.$message.error(msg.message); 98 } 99 }100 console.log(response);101 }).catch(function (error) {102 that.$message.error(error);103 });104 console.log("delete");105 }).catch(() => {106 this.$message({107 type: "info",108 message: "已取消借阅"109 }); 110 });111 },112 handleSaveReturn(){113 this.$confirm("确定要归还编号为"+this.returnForm.ISBN+"的书籍吗?", "提示", {114 confirmButtonText: "确定",115 cancelButtonText: "取消",116 type: "warning"117 }).then(() => {118 var that=this;119 axios.post("/Circulate/Return", {120 Id:that.returnForm.Id,121 ISBN:that.returnForm.ISBN,122 Name:that.returnForm.Name,123 }).then(function (response) {124 if(response.status==200){125 var msg = response.data;126 console.log(msg);127 if(msg.code=="0"){128 //刷新页面129 that.dialogFormReturnVisible=false;130 that.$message({131 type: "success",132 message: "归还成功!"133 });134 that.query(1);135 }else{136 that.$message.error(msg.message);137 }138 }139 console.log(response);140 }).catch(function (error) {141 that.$message.error(error);142 });143 console.log("delete");144 }).catch(() => {145 this.$message({146 type: "info",147 message: "已取消归还"148 }); 149 });150 },151 query(pageNum){152 var that = this;153 this.tableData=[];154 console.log("query");155 axios.get("/Circulate/Query", {params:{156 Name:this.queryCondition.Name,157 PageSize:this.pageSize,158 PageNum:pageNum159 }}).then(function (response) {160 if(response.status==200){161 var data = response.data;162 var count=data.count;163 that.total = count;164 for (let i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++) {165 that.tableData.push({166 Id:data.items[i].id,167 ISBN: data.items[i].isbn,168 Name: data.items[i].name,169 BorrowConfirmor: data.items[i].borrowConfirmor,170 BorrowTime: data.items[i].borrowTime,171 BorrowUser: data.items[i].borrowUser,172 IsReturn:data.items[i].isReturn==true?"已归还":"未归还",173 ReturnConfirmor: data.items[i].returnConfirmor,174 ReturnTime: data.items[i].returnTime,175 });176 }177 }178 console.log(response);179 }).catch(function (error) {180 console.log(error);181 });182 },183 }184 });185 </script>
5. 图书借还控制器CirculateController
1 namespace CLMS.Host.Controllers 2 { 3 ///4 /// 借还管理 5 /// 6 public class CirculateController : Controller 7 { 8 private DataContext dataContext; 9 10 public CirculateController(DataContext context) 11 { 12 dataContext = context; 13 } 14 15 public IActionResult Index() 16 { 17 return View(); 18 } 19 20 [HttpGet] 21 public PagedRequestQuery(string Name, int pageNum, int pageSize) 22 { 23 Name = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name) ? string.Empty : Name; 24 var dtos = dataContext.Circulates.Join(dataContext.Books, c => c.BookId, b => b.Id, (c, b) => new Circulate() 25 { 26 Id = c.Id, 27 Name = b.Name, 28 BookId = c.BookId, 29 BorrowConfirmor = c.BorrowConfirmor, 30 BorrowTime = c.BorrowTime, 31 BorrowUser = c.BorrowUser, 32 ISBN = b.ISBN, 33 IsReturn = c.IsReturn, 34 ReturnConfirmor = c.ReturnConfirmor, 35 ReturnTime = c.ReturnTime, 36 }).Where(r=>r.Name.Contains(Name)); 37 var total = dtos.Count(); 38 var dtos2 = dtos.Skip((pageNum - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList(); 39 // 40 return new PagedRequest () 41 { 42 count = total, 43 items = dtos2, 44 }; 45 } 46 47 [Consumes("application/json")] 48 [HttpPost] 49 public Msg Borrow([FromBody]Borrow borrow) { 50 Msg msg = new Msg(); 51 if (borrow == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(borrow.ISBN)) 52 { 53 msg.code = 1; 54 msg.message = "书籍为空"; 55 return msg; 56 } 57 var book = dataContext.Books.FirstOrDefault(r => r.ISBN == borrow.ISBN); 58 if (book == null) 59 { 60 msg.code = 1; 61 msg.message = "ISBN有误"; 62 return msg; 63 } 64 var entity = dataContext.Circulates.FirstOrDefault(r => r.BookId == book.Id && r.IsReturn == false); 65 if (entity != null) 66 { 67 msg.code = 1; 68 msg.message = "书籍已被借阅"; 69 return msg; 70 } 71 var userId = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("UserId"); 72 if (userId < 0) { 73 msg.code = 1; 74 msg.message = "尚未登录"; 75 return msg; 76 } 77 var borrorConfirmor = dataContext.Users.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == userId)?.NickName; 78 var entity2 = new CirculateEntity() 79 { 80 Id = 0, 81 BookId = book.Id, 82 IsReturn = false, 83 BorrowTime = DateTime.Now, 84 BorrowUser=borrow.BorrowUser, 85 BorrowConfirmor= borrorConfirmor, 86 }; 87 this.dataContext.Circulates.Add(entity2); 88 this.dataContext.SaveChanges(); 89 msg.code = 0; 90 msg.message = "success"; 91 return msg; 92 } 93 94 /// 95 /// 归还 96 /// 97 /// 98 ///99 [Consumes("application/json")]100 [HttpPost]101 public Msg Return([FromBody] Return returns) { 102 Msg msg = new Msg();103 if (returns == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(returns.ISBN))104 {105 msg.code = 1;106 msg.message = "书籍为空";107 return msg;108 }109 var book = dataContext.Books.FirstOrDefault(r => r.ISBN == returns.ISBN);110 if (book == null)111 {112 msg.code = 1;113 msg.message = "ISBN有误";114 return msg;115 }116 var userId = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("UserId");117 if (userId < 0)118 {119 msg.code = 1;120 msg.message = "尚未登录";121 return msg;122 }123 var returnConfirmor = dataContext.Users.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == userId)?.NickName;124 var entity = dataContext.Circulates.FirstOrDefault(r => r.BookId == book.Id && r.IsReturn == false);125 if (entity != null)126 {127 entity.IsReturn = true;128 entity.ReturnTime = DateTime.Now;129 entity.ReturnConfirmor=returnConfirmor;130 dataContext.Circulates.Update(entity);131 dataContext.SaveChanges();132 msg.code = 0;133 msg.message = "success";134 }135 else {136 msg.code = 1;137 msg.message = "书籍已归还";138 }139 return msg;140 }141 }142 }
6. 图书借还功能测试
【独家】ASP.NET Core+Element+SQL Server开发校园图书管理系统(四)
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