












想一并学习一下kafaka的监控.又重新开始学习grafana了:下载地址:https://grafana.com/grafana/downloadhttps://prometheus.io/download/https://github.com/danielqsj/kafka_exporter利用这三个网站下载较新的资源,然后进行测试与安装使用.之前写过很多rpm还有docker的方式方法,想着这次使用一下二进制方式安装.在某些机器上面可能更加方便一点 这次主要是想在 鲲鹏上面验证, 所以下载的文件如下:alertmanager-0.25.0.linux-arm64.tar.gzgrafana-enterprise-10.0.1.linux-arm64.tar.gzkafka_exporter-1.7.0.linux-arm64.tar.gzprometheus-2.44.0.linux-arm64.tar.gz


解压缩 grafana的压缩包然后查看部分命令的帮助信息./grafana server -hNAME:   grafana server - run the grafana serverUSAGE:   grafana server [command options] [arguments...]OPTIONS:   --config value           Path to config file   --homepath value         Path to Grafana install/home path, defaults to working directory   --pidfile value          Path to Grafana pid file   --packaging value        describes the way Grafana was installed (default: "unknown")   --configOverrides value  Configuration options to override defaults as a string. e.g. cfg:default.paths.log=/dev/null   --version, -v            print the version   --vv                     prints current version, all dependencies and exits (default: false)   --profile                Turn on pprof profiling (default: false)   --profile-addr value     Define custom address for profiling (default: "localhost")   --profile-port value     Define custom port for profiling (default: 6060)   --tracing                Turn on tracing (default: false)   --tracing-file value     Define tracing output file (default: "trace.out")   --help, -h               show help最简单的启动脚本为cd /grafana-xx-xx/binnohup ./grafana server --config ../conf/defaults.ini 2>&1 >/devnull & 注意可以修改 ../conf/defaults.ini 内的文件制定很多配置.默认密码是 admin/admin 第一次登录需要修改密码


启动脚本为:nohup ./kafka_exporter --sasl.enabled --web.listen-address=":9308" --sasl.username="admin" --sasl.password="Test20131127" --sasl.mechanism="plain" --kafka.server= 2>&1 >/devnull & 解压缩先查看帮助然后根据帮助进行处理Flags:  -h, --[no-]help                Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).      --web.listen-address=":9308"                                   Address to listen on for web interface and telemetry.      --web.telemetry-path="/metrics"                                   Path under which to expose metrics.      --topic.filter=".*"        Regex that determines which topics to collect.      --topic.exclude="^$"       Regex that determines which topics to exclude.      --group.filter=".*"        Regex that determines which consumer groups to collect.      --group.exclude="^$"       Regex that determines which consumer groups to exclude.      --[no-]log.enable-sarama   Turn on Sarama logging, default is false.      --kafka.server=kafka:9092 ...                                   Address (host:port) of Kafka server.      --[no-]sasl.enabled        Connect using SASL/PLAIN, default is false.      --[no-]sasl.handshake      Only set this to false if using a non-Kafka SASL proxy, default is true.      --sasl.username=""         SASL user name.      --sasl.password=""         SASL user password.      --sasl.mechanism=""        The SASL SCRAM SHA algorithm sha256 or sha512 or gssapi as mechanism      --sasl.service-name=""     Service name when using kerberos Auth      --sasl.kerberos-config-path=""                                   Kerberos config path      --sasl.realm=""            Kerberos realm      --sasl.kerberos-auth-type=""                                   Kerberos auth type. Either "keytabAuth" or "userAuth"      --sasl.keytab-path=""      Kerberos keytab file path      --[no-]sasl.disable-PA-FX-FAST                                   Configure the Kerberos client to not use PA_FX_FAST, default is false.      --[no-]tls.enabled         Connect to Kafka using TLS, default is false.      --tls.server-name=""       Used to verify the hostname on the returned certificates unless tls.insecure-skip-tls-verify is given. The kafka server"s name                                 should be given.      --tls.ca-file=""           The optional certificate authority file for Kafka TLS client authentication.      --tls.cert-file=""         The optional certificate file for Kafka client authentication.      --tls.key-file=""          The optional key file for Kafka client authentication.      --[no-]server.tls.enabled  Enable TLS for web server, default is false.      --[no-]server.tls.mutual-auth-enabled                                   Enable TLS client mutual authentication, default is false.      --server.tls.ca-file=""    The certificate authority file for the web server.      --server.tls.cert-file=""  The certificate file for the web server.      --server.tls.key-file=""   The key file for the web server.      --[no-]tls.insecure-skip-tls-verify                                   If true, the server"s certificate will not be checked for validity. This will make your HTTPS connections insecure. Default is                                 false      --kafka.version="2.0.0"    Kafka broker version      --[no-]use.consumelag.zookeeper                                   if you need to use a group from zookeeper, default is false      --zookeeper.server=localhost:2181 ...                                   Address (hosts) of zookeeper server.      --kafka.labels=""          Kafka cluster name      --refresh.metadata="30s"   Metadata refresh interval      --[no-]offset.show-all     Whether show the offset/lag for all consumer group, otherwise, only show connected consumer groups, default is true      --[no-]concurrent.enable   If true, all scrapes will trigger kafka operations otherwise, they will share results. WARN: This should be disabled on large                                 clusters. Default is false      --topic.workers=100        Number of topic workers      --[no-]kafka.allow-auto-topic-creation                                   If true, the broker may auto-create topics that we requested which do not already exist, default is false.      --verbosity=0              Verbosity log level      --log.level=info           Only log messages with the given severity or above. One of: [debug, info, warn, error]      --log.format=logfmt        Output format of log messages. One of: [logfmt, json]      --[no-]version             Show application version.


1. prometheus的日志留存时间和大小限制 --storage.tsdb.retention.time=15d其实默认值就是 15天, 可以根据情况适当进行调整. 2. 存放目录--storage.tsdb.path="/prometheusdata/"3.大小--storage.tsdb.retention.size=15GB4. 修改端口--web.listen-address=""5. 设置监控kafka    scrape_configs:      # 监控业务kafka      - job_name: "kafka"        static_configs:        - targets:          -整体命令为:nohup ./prometheus --storage.tsdb.retention.time=15d  --storage.tsdb.path="/prometheusdata/"  --storage.tsdb.retention.size=15GB --web.listen-address="" 2>&1 >/dev/null &


增加prometheus的数据源然后grafana导入: 7589 监控就可以了. 

