










eBPF是一项革命性的技术,起源于 Linux 内核,可以在操作系统内核等特权上下文中运行沙盒程序。它可以安全有效地扩展内核的功能,而无需更改内核源代码或加载内核模块。 比如,使用ebpf可以追踪任何内核导出函数的参数,返回值,以实现kernel hook 的效果;通过ebpf还可以在网络封包到达内核协议栈之前就进行处理,这可以实现流量控制,甚至隐蔽通信。



ebpf本质上只是运行在linux 内核中的虚拟机,要发挥其强大的能力还是要跟linux kernel 自带的追踪功能搭配:

  • kprobe

  • uprobe

  • tracepoint

  • USDT


  • bcc

  • libbpf

  • bpftrace


BCC 是一个用于创建高效内核跟踪和操作程序的工具包,包括几个有用的工具和示例。它利用扩展的 BPF(Berkeley Packet Filters),正式名称为 eBPF,这是 Linux 3.15 中首次添加的新功能。BCC 使用的大部分内容都需要 Linux 4.1 及更高版本。

源码安装bcc v0.25.0

首先clone bcc 源码仓库

git clonehttps://github.com/iovisor/bcc.gitgit checkout v0.25.0 git submodule init git submodule update

bcc 从v0.10.0开始使用libbpf 并通过submodule 的形式加入源码树,所以这里需要更新并拉取子模块


apt install flex bison libdebuginfod-dev libclang-14-dev


mkdir build && cd build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. make -j #n取决于机器的cpu核心数

编译安装完成后,在python3中就能使用bcc模块了 安装bcc时会在/usr/share/bcc目录下安装bcc自带的示例脚本和工具脚本,以及manual 文档 可以直接使用man -M /usr/share/bcc/man来查询

使用python + bcc 跟踪内核函数

bcc 自带的工具execsnoop可以跟踪execv系统调用,其源代码如下:

#!/usr/bin/python# @lint-avoid-python-3-compatibility-imports## execsnoop Trace new processes via exec() syscalls.#           For Linux, uses BCC, eBPF. Embedded C.## USAGE: execsnoop [-h] [-T] [-t] [-x] [-q] [-n NAME] [-l LINE]#                  [--max-args MAX_ARGS]## This currently will print up to a maximum of 19 arguments, plus the process# name, so 20 fields in total (MAXARG).## This won"t catch all new processes: an application may fork() but not exec().## Copyright 2016 Netflix, Inc.# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")## 07-Feb-2016   Brendan Gregg   Created this.​from __future__ import print_functionfrom bcc import BPFfrom bcc.containers import filter_by_containersfrom bcc.utils import ArgString, printbimport bcc.utils as utilsimport argparseimport reimport timeimport pwdfrom collections import defaultdictfrom time import strftime​​def parse_uid(user):    try:        result = int(user)    except ValueError:        try:            user_info = pwd.getpwnam(user)        except KeyError:            raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(                "{0!r} is not valid UID or user entry".format(user))        else:            return user_info.pw_uid    else:        # Maybe validate if UID < 0 ?        return result​​# argumentsexamples = """examples:    ./execsnoop           # trace all exec() syscalls    ./execsnoop -x        # include failed exec()s    ./execsnoop -T        # include time (HH:MM:SS)    ./execsnoop -U        # include UID    ./execsnoop -u 1000   # only trace UID 1000    ./execsnoop -u user   # get user UID and trace only them    ./execsnoop -t        # include timestamps    ./execsnoop -q        # add "quotemarks" around arguments    ./execsnoop -n main   # only print command lines containing "main"    ./execsnoop -l tpkg   # only print command where arguments contains "tpkg"    ./execsnoop --cgroupmap mappath  # only trace cgroups in this BPF map    ./execsnoop --mntnsmap mappath   # only trace mount namespaces in the map"""parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(    description="Trace exec() syscalls",    formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,    epilog=examples)parser.add_argument("-T", "--time", action="store_true",    help="include time column on output (HH:MM:SS)")parser.add_argument("-t", "--timestamp", action="store_true",    help="include timestamp on output")parser.add_argument("-x", "--fails", action="store_true",    help="include failed exec()s")parser.add_argument("--cgroupmap",    help="trace cgroups in this BPF map only")parser.add_argument("--mntnsmap",    help="trace mount namespaces in this BPF map only")parser.add_argument("-u", "--uid", type=parse_uid, metavar="USER",    help="trace this UID only")parser.add_argument("-q", "--quote", action="store_true",    help="Add quotemarks (\") around arguments."    )parser.add_argument("-n", "--name",    type=ArgString,    help="only print commands matching this name (regex), any arg")parser.add_argument("-l", "--line",    type=ArgString,    help="only print commands where arg contains this line (regex)")parser.add_argument("-U", "--print-uid", action="store_true",    help="print UID column")parser.add_argument("--max-args", default="20",    help="maximum number of arguments parsed and displayed, defaults to 20")parser.add_argument("--ebpf", action="store_true",    help=argparse.SUPPRESS)args = parser.parse_args()​# define BPF programbpf_text = """#include #include #include ​#define ARGSIZE  128​enum event_type {    EVENT_ARG,    EVENT_RET,};​struct data_t {    u32 pid;  // PID as in the userspace term (i.e. task->tgid in kernel)    u32 ppid; // Parent PID as in the userspace term (i.e task->real_parent->tgid in kernel)    u32 uid;    char comm[TASK_COMM_LEN];    enum event_type type;    char argv[ARGSIZE];    int retval;};​BPF_PERF_OUTPUT(events);​static int __submit_arg(struct pt_regs *ctx, void *ptr, struct data_t *data){    bpf_probe_read_user(data->argv, sizeof(data->argv), ptr);    events.perf_submit(ctx, data, sizeof(struct data_t));    return 1;}​static int submit_arg(struct pt_regs *ctx, void *ptr, struct data_t *data){    const char *argp = NULL;    bpf_probe_read_user(&argp, sizeof(argp), ptr);    if (argp) {        return __submit_arg(ctx, (void *)(argp), data);    }    return 0;}​int syscall__execve(struct pt_regs *ctx,    const char __user *filename,    const char __user *const __user *__argv,    const char __user *const __user *__envp){​    u32 uid = bpf_get_current_uid_gid() & 0xffffffff;​    UID_FILTER​    if (container_should_be_filtered()) {        return 0;    }​    // create data here and pass to submit_arg to save stack space (#555)    struct data_t data = {};    struct task_struct *task;​    data.pid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid() >> 32;​    task = (struct task_struct *)bpf_get_current_task();    // Some kernels, like Ubuntu 4.13.0-generic, return 0    // as the real_parent->tgid.    // We use the get_ppid function as a fallback in those cases. (#1883)    data.ppid = task->real_parent->tgid;​    bpf_get_current_comm(&data.comm, sizeof(data.comm));    data.type = EVENT_ARG;​    __submit_arg(ctx, (void *)filename, &data);​    // skip first arg, as we submitted filename    #pragma unroll    for (int i = 1; i < MAXARG; i++) {        if (submit_arg(ctx, (void *)&__argv[i], &data) == 0)             goto out;    }​    // handle truncated argument list    char ellipsis[] = "...";    __submit_arg(ctx, (void *)ellipsis, &data);out:    return 0;}​int do_ret_sys_execve(struct pt_regs *ctx){    if (container_should_be_filtered()) {        return 0;    }​    struct data_t data = {};    struct task_struct *task;​    u32 uid = bpf_get_current_uid_gid() & 0xffffffff;    UID_FILTER​    data.pid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid() >> 32;    data.uid = uid;​    task = (struct task_struct *)bpf_get_current_task();    // Some kernels, like Ubuntu 4.13.0-generic, return 0    // as the real_parent->tgid.    // We use the get_ppid function as a fallback in those cases. (#1883)    data.ppid = task->real_parent->tgid;​    bpf_get_current_comm(&data.comm, sizeof(data.comm));    data.type = EVENT_RET;    data.retval = PT_REGS_RC(ctx);    events.perf_submit(ctx, &data, sizeof(data));​    return 0;}"""​bpf_text = bpf_text.replace("MAXARG", args.max_args)​if args.uid:    bpf_text = bpf_text.replace("UID_FILTER",        "if (uid != %s) { return 0; }" % args.uid)else:    bpf_text = bpf_text.replace("UID_FILTER", "")bpf_text = filter_by_containers(args) + bpf_textif args.ebpf:    print(bpf_text)    exit()​# initialize BPFb = BPF(text=bpf_text)execve_fnname = b.get_syscall_fnname("execve")b.attach_kprobe(event=execve_fnname, fn_name="syscall__execve")b.attach_kretprobe(event=execve_fnname, fn_name="do_ret_sys_execve")​# headerif args.time:    print("%-9s" % ("TIME"), end="")if args.timestamp:    print("%-8s" % ("TIME(s)"), end="")if args.print_uid:    print("%-6s" % ("UID"), end="")print("%-16s %-7s %-7s %3s %s" % ("PCOMM", "PID", "PPID", "RET", "ARGS"))​class EventType(object):    EVENT_ARG = 0    EVENT_RET = 1​start_ts = time.time()argv = defaultdict(list)​# This is best-effort PPID matching. Short-lived processes may exit# before we get a chance to read the PPID.# This is a fallback for when fetching the PPID from task->real_parent->tgip# returns 0, which happens in some kernel versions.def get_ppid(pid):    try:        with open("/proc/%d/status" % pid) as status:            for line in status:                if line.startswith("PPid:"):                    return int(line.split()[1])    except IOError:        pass    return 0​# process eventdef print_event(cpu, data, size):    event = b["events"].event(data)    skip = False​    if event.type == EventType.EVENT_ARG:        argv[event.pid].append(event.argv)    elif event.type == EventType.EVENT_RET:        if event.retval != 0 and not args.fails:            skip = True        if args.name and not re.search(bytes(args.name), event.comm):            skip = True        if args.line and not re.search(bytes(args.line),                                       b" ".join(argv[event.pid])):            skip = True        if args.quote:            argv[event.pid] = [                b"\"" + arg.replace(b"\"", b"\\\"") + b"\""                for arg in argv[event.pid]            ]​        if not skip:            if args.time:                printb(b"%-9s" % strftime("%H:%M:%S").encode("ascii"), nl="")            if args.timestamp:                printb(b"%-8.3f" % (time.time() - start_ts), nl="")            if args.print_uid:                printb(b"%-6d" % event.uid, nl="")            ppid = event.ppid if event.ppid > 0 else get_ppid(event.pid)            ppid = b"%d" % ppid if ppid > 0 else b"?"            argv_text = b" ".join(argv[event.pid]).replace(b"\n", b"\\n")            printb(b"%-16s %-7d %-7s %3d %s" % (event.comm, event.pid,                   ppid, event.retval, argv_text))        try:            del(argv[event.pid])        except Exception:            pass​​# loop with callback to print_eventb["events"].open_perf_buffer(print_event)while 1:    try:        b.perf_buffer_poll()    except KeyboardInterrupt:        exit()


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使用python + bcc 跟踪用户函数

bcc中使用uprobe跟踪glibc malloc 函数的工具,并统计malloc 内存的总量。

#!/usr/bin/python## mallocstacks  Trace malloc() calls in a process and print the full#               stack trace for all callsites.#               For Linux, uses BCC, eBPF. Embedded C.## This script is a basic example of the new Linux 4.6+ BPF_STACK_TRACE# table API.## Copyright 2016 GitHub, Inc.# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")​from __future__ import print_functionfrom bcc import BPFfrom bcc.utils import printbfrom time import sleepimport sys​if len(sys.argv) < 2:    print("USAGE: mallocstacks PID [NUM_STACKS=1024]")    exit()pid = int(sys.argv[1])if len(sys.argv) == 3:    try:        assert int(sys.argv[2]) > 0, ""    except (ValueError, AssertionError) as e:        print("USAGE: mallocstacks PID [NUM_STACKS=1024]")        print("NUM_STACKS must be a non-zero, positive integer")        exit()    stacks = sys.argv[2]else:    stacks = "1024"​# load BPF programb = BPF(text="""#include ​BPF_HASH(calls, int);BPF_STACK_TRACE(stack_traces, """ + stacks + """);​int alloc_enter(struct pt_regs *ctx, size_t size) {    int key = stack_traces.get_stackid(ctx, BPF_F_USER_STACK);    if (key < 0)        return 0;​    // could also use `calls.increment(key, size);`    u64 zero = 0, *val;    val = calls.lookup_or_try_init(&key, &zero);    if (val) {      (*val) += size;    }    return 0;};""")​b.attach_uprobe(name="c", sym="malloc", fn_name="alloc_enter", pid=pid)print("Attaching to malloc in pid %d, Ctrl+C to quit." % pid)​# sleep until Ctrl-Ctry:    sleep(99999999)except KeyboardInterrupt:    pass​calls = b.get_table("calls")stack_traces = b.get_table("stack_traces")​for k, v in reversed(sorted(calls.items(), key=lambda c: c[1].value)):    print("%d bytes allocated at:" % v.value)    if k.value > 0 :        for addr in stack_traces.walk(k.value):            printb(b"\t%s" % b.sym(addr, pid, show_offset=True))


libbpf是linux 源码树中的ebpf 开发包。同时在github上也有独立的代码仓库。 这里推荐使用libbpf-bootstrap这个项目


libbpf-bootstrap是使用 libbpf 和 BPF CO-RE 进行 BPF 应用程序开发的脚手架项目 首先克隆libbpf-bootstrap仓库

git clonehttps://github.com/libbpf/libbpf-bootstrap.git


cd libbpf-bootstrap git submodule init git submodule update

注意,子模块中包含bpftool,bpftool中还有子模块需要同步 在bpftool目录下重复以上步骤


这里进入example/c中,这里包含一些示例工具 直接make编译 等编译完成后,在此目录下会生成可执行文件




运行后输出大量信息,最后有提示让我们运行sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe来查看输出 运行这个命令

minimal 会追踪所有的write系统调用,并打印出调用write的进程的pid 这里看到pid为11494,ps 查询一下这个进程,发现就是minimal


// SPDX-License-Identifier: (LGPL-2.1 OR BSD-2-Clause)/* Copyright (c) 2020 Facebook */#include #include #include #include #include "minimal.skel.h"​static int libbpf_print_fn(enum libbpf_print_level level, const char *format, va_list args){    return vfprintf(stderr, format, args);}​int main(int argc, char **argv){    struct minimal_bpf *skel;    int err;​    libbpf_set_strict_mode(LIBBPF_STRICT_ALL);    /* Set up libbpf errors and debug info callback */    libbpf_set_print(libbpf_print_fn);​    /* Open BPF application */    skel = minimal_bpf__open();    if (!skel) {        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open BPF skeleton\n");        return 1;    }​    /* ensure BPF program only handles write() syscalls from our process */    skel->bss->my_pid = getpid();​    /* Load & verify BPF programs */    err = minimal_bpf__load(skel);    if (err) {        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load and verify BPF skeleton\n");        goto cleanup;    }​    /* Attach tracepoint handler */    err = minimal_bpf__attach(skel);    if (err) {        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to attach BPF skeleton\n");        goto cleanup;    }​    printf("Successfully started! Please run `sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe` "           "to see output of the BPF programs.\n");​    for (;;) {        /* trigger our BPF program */        fprintf(stderr, ".");        sleep(1);    }​    cleanup    minimal_bpf__destroy(skel);    return -err;}

首先看一下minimal.c的内容,在main函数中首先调用了libbpf_set_strict_mode(LIBBPF_STRICT_ALL);设置为libbpf v1.0模式。此模式下错误代码直接通过函数返回值传递,不再需要检查errno。 之后调用libbpf_set_print(libbpf_print_fn);将程序中一个自定义输出函数设置为调试输出的回调函数,即运行minimal的这些输出全都时通过libbpf_print_fn输出的。

然后在minimal.c:24调用生成的minimal.skel.h中的预定义函数minimal_bpfopen打开bpf程序,这里返回一个minimal_bpf类型的对象(c中使用结构体模拟对象)。 在31行将minimal_bpf对象的bss子对象的my_pid属性设置为当前进程pid 这里minimal_bpf对象和bss都由minimal.bpf.c代码编译而来。minimal.bpf.c经过clang 编译连接,生成minimal.bpf.o,这是一个elf文件,其中包含bss段,这个段内通常储存着minimal.bpf.c中所有经过初始化的变量。 skel->bss->my_pid = getpid();就是直接将minimal.bpf.o中的my_pid设置为minimal进程的pid。 之后在34行调用minimal_bpfload(skel);加载并验证ebpf程序。 41行调用minimal_bpfattach(skel);使ebpf程序附加到bpf源码中声明的跟踪点上。 此时ebpf程序已经开始运行了。ebpf中通过bpf_printk输出的内容会写入linux debugFS中的trace_pipe中。可以使用sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe输出到终端里。 之后minimal程序会进入一个死循环,以维持ebpf程序的运行。当用户按下发送SIGINT信号后就会调用minimal_bpfdestroy(skel);卸载内核中的ebpf程序,之后退出。

接下来看minimal.bpf.c 这是ebpf程序的源码,是要加载到内核中的ebpf虚拟机中运行的,由于在运行在内核中,具有得天独厚的地理位置,可以访问系统中所有资源,再配合上众多的tracepoint,就可以发挥出强大的追踪能力。 下面是minimal.bpf.c的源码

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause/* Copyright (c) 2020 Facebook */#include #include ​char LICENSE[] SEC("license") = "Dual BSD/GPL";​int my_pid = 0;​SEC("tp/syscalls/sys_enter_write")int handle_tp(void *ctx){    int pid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid() >> 32;​    if (pid != my_pid)        return 0;​    bpf_printk("BPF triggered from PID %d.\n", pid);​    return 0;}

minimal.bpf.c会被clang 编译器编译为ebpf字节码,然后通过bpftool将其转换为minimal.skel.h头文件,以供minimal.c使用。 此代码中定义并初始化了一个全局变量my_pid,经过编译连接后此变量会进入elf文件的bss段中。 然后,代码中定义了一个函数int handle_tp(void *ctx),此函数中通过调用bpf_get_current_pid_tgid() >> 32获取到调用此函数的进程pid

然后比较pid与my_pid的值,如果相同则调用bpf_printk输出"BPF triggered from PID %d\n” 这里由于handle_tp函数是通过SEC宏附加在write系统调用上,所以在调用write()时,handle_tp也会被调用,从而实现追踪系统调用的功能。 SEC宏在bpf程序中处于非常重要的地位。可以参考此文档SEC宏可以指定ebpf函数附加的点,包括系统调用,静态tracepoint,动态的kprobe和uprobe,以及USDT等等。 Libbpf 期望 BPF 程序使用SEC()宏注释,其中传入的字符串参数SEC()确定 BPF 程序类型和可选的附加附加参数,例如 kprobe 程序要附加的内核函数名称或 cgroup 程序的挂钩类型。该SEC()定义最终被记录为 ELF section name。

通过llvm-objdump 可以看到编译后的epbf程序文件包含一个以追踪点命名的section


ebpf程序可以使用llvm-objdump -d dump 出ebpf字节码


bpftrace 提供了一种类似awk 的脚本语言,通过编写脚本,配合bpftrace支持的追踪点,可以实现非常强大的追踪功能


sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y \ bison \ cmake \ flex \ g++ \ git \ libelf-dev \ zlib1g-dev \ libfl-dev \ systemtap-sdt-dev \ binutils-dev \ libcereal-dev \ llvm-12-dev \ llvm-12-runtime \ libclang-12-dev \ clang-12 \ libpcap-dev \ libgtest-dev \ libgmock-dev \ asciidoctor git clonehttps://github.com/iovisor/bpftracemkdir bpftrace/build; cd bpftrace/build; ../build-libs.sh cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. make -j8 sudo make install


# bpftraceUSAGE:    bpftrace [options] filename    bpftrace [options] -e "program"​OPTIONS:    -B MODE        output buffering mode ("line", "full", or "none")    -d             debug info dry run    -dd            verbose debug info dry run    -e "program"   execute this program    -h             show this help message    -I DIR         add the specified DIR to the search path for include files.    --include FILE adds an implicit #include which is read before the source file is preprocessed.    -l [search]    list probes    -p PID         enable USDT probes on PID    -c "CMD"       run CMD and enable USDT probes on resulting process    -q             keep messages quiet    -v             verbose messages    -k             emit a warning when a bpf helper returns an error (except read functions)    -kk            check all bpf helper functions    --version      bpftrace version​ENVIRONMENT:    BPFTRACE_STRLEN             [default: 64] bytes on BPF stack per str()    BPFTRACE_NO_CPP_DEMANGLE    [default: 0] disable C++ symbol demangling    BPFTRACE_MAP_KEYS_MAX       [default: 4096] max keys in a map    BPFTRACE_MAX_PROBES         [default: 512] max number of probes bpftrace can attach to    BPFTRACE_MAX_BPF_PROGS      [default: 512] max number of generated BPF programs    BPFTRACE_CACHE_USER_SYMBOLS [default: auto] enable user symbol cache    BPFTRACE_VMLINUX            [default: none] vmlinux path used for kernel symbol resolution    BPFTRACE_BTF                [default: none] BTF file​EXAMPLES:bpftrace -l "*sleep*"    list probes containing "sleep"bpftrace -e "kprobe:do_nanosleep { printf("PID %d sleeping...\n", pid); }"    trace processes calling sleepbpftrace -e "tracepoint:raw_syscalls:sys_enter { @[comm] = count(); }"    count syscalls by process name


bpftrace语法由以下一个或多个action block结构组成,且语法关键字与c语言类似

probe[,probe]/predicate/ {  action}
  • probe:探针,可以使用bpftrace -l 来查看支持的所有tracepoint和kprobe探针

  • Predicate(可选):在 / / 中指定 action 执行的条件。如果为True,就执行 action

  • action:在事件触发时运行的程序,每行语句必须以 ; 结尾,并且用{}包起来

  • //:单行注释

  • /**/:多行注释

  • ->:访问c结构体成员,例如:bpftrace -e "tracepoint:syscalls:sys_enter_openat { printf("%s %s\n", comm, str(args->filename)); }"

  • struct:结构声明,在bpftrace脚本中可以定义自己的结构

bpftrace 单行指令

bpftrace -e 选项可以指定运行一个单行程序 1、追踪openat系统调用

bpftrace -e "tracepoint:syscalls:sys_enter_openat { printf("%s %s\n", comm, str(args->filename)); }"


bpftrace -e "tracepoint:raw_syscalls:sys_enter { @[comm] = count(); }"


bpftrace -e "tracepoint:raw_syscalls:sys_enter { @ = count(); } interval:s:1 { print(@); clear(@); }"


还可以将bpftrace程序作为一个脚本文件,并且使用shebang#!/usr/local/bin/bpftrace可以使其独立运行 例如:

1 #!/usr/local/bin/bpftrace23 tracepoint:syscalls:sys_enter_nanosleep4 {5   printf("%s is sleeping.\n", comm);6 }



  • kprobe- 内核函数启动

  • kretprobe- 内核函数返回

  • uprobe- 用户级功能启动

  • uretprobe- 用户级函数返回

  • tracepoint- 内核静态跟踪点

  • usdt- 用户级静态跟踪点

  • profile- 定时采样

  • interval- 定时输出

  • software- 内核软件事件

  • hardware- 处理器级事件


关键词: 系统调用 可以使用 学习资料