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LingNan Talk|Water City Walk① · Spend Qixi in Guangzhou, you must invite your special someone to this wharf!


Textile Wharf, a name that might not be impressive, yet it"s possibly one of the most romantic wharves in Guangzhou. Not far from here lies the renowned Wedding Dress Street of Guangzhou. This short street, stretching just a few hundred meters, is home to over a hundred wedding-related shops.


Here, whether your budget is a hundred yuan or tens of thousands, whether you prefer classic styles or trendy ones, you can find the wedding dress that suits your taste. The Guangdong people"s blend of romance and practicality is vividly showcased on this street.

Taking a boat from Textile Wharf to the north bank of the Pearl River, you"ll encounter the legendary Tianzi Wharf. Tianzi Wharf is Guangzhou"s oldest and historically significant wharf. According to the order of the Thousand Character Classic, "Tian" signifies being first.

As the "First Wharf of Guangzhou", it has borne witness to many historical moments: Lin Zexu"s stand against opium at Humen, and Sun Yat-sen"s struggles in Guangzhou. Thetwo of them have docked and set sail from here. Today, the mists of history have lifted, yet this area remains vibrant. Not far from here is the famous Beijing Road, where tradition and modernity weave together into a captivating tapestry of scenery.

With Qixi Festival approaching, couples destined to be together might want to visit here. On the south bank of the Pearl River, you can select a romantic wedding dress, then take a boat to the opposite shore for relishing in the bustling world.

岭南说|水上CityWalk① · 在广州过七夕,一定要约TA来这个码头






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来源 | 羊城晚报[gf]2022[/gf]羊城派责编 | 王楠校对 | 赵丹丹
